“Love is the Only Truth”

Thank You, for pre-ordering the book “Love is the Only Truth” by Denny Dakin.

What you’ll find inside

  • Denny shares her wisdom through her own life experiences
  • Learning to come from a place of Love
  • Love can help change the perception
  • Self-help / educational book with exercises to assist in changing ego responses and self-limiting beliefs
  • Love can help to heal and overcome

Her passion was to help and support as many people…

For many years Denny wanted to write a book to share her wisdom and knowledge along with her channeling from Spirit. Her passion was to help and support as many people in the world along their journey through life.

Through her life story, her ups and downs, and how she learned to come from a place of Love, forgiving and accepting her learnings and the players that created them.

Examples of this can also be seen within the one-to-one sessions included in the book.

Sometimes the simplest tweaks of how we look at something can be quite transformational, plus exercises to help us through our experiences.

Great examples of a glass half full, laughter, and extraordinary experiences with Denny and Gill are dotted throughout the book, helping to uplift the reader.



Denny Dakin

Denny, born in 1940 began her life in an orphanage and her life’s learnings started here, supported by her strong connection with Spirit.

At the age of six and a half, Denny was removed from the orphanage by her birth mother and a step father who became a wonderful guidance.

As she continued through life, Denny discovered her love of music and in later years , went on to train as an opera singer and musician of many instruments.

Her life then took her on a different path again, strongly guided by Spirit.

She married and had two children, and as a headmasters wife, she taught music and swimming. But again spirit had other ideas for her and  guides her to become a therapist, which she was until she transitioned. Her wisdom and direct connection to Spirit gave her the much loved title of ‘The wise one’.

Gill Wilkinson

Gill, born Christmas Eve, 1953, also started life in an orphanage and was adopted earlier on. She grew up as an only child mainly living in Bristol. When she left school, Gill trained at college  and went onto work in hotels as a receptionist, where she met her husband-to-be. Gill is a mother to 3 children and ‘grammy’ to a grandson and became a widow when her third child was very young.

Spirit guided her to train and become a therapist, and at one of the courses she trained on, she met Denny and her daughter Clare for the first time. Denny helped Gill along her spiritual path, and they became great friends, having many extraordinary adventures together. Gill became Denny’s support when she developed Rheumatoid Arthritis walking beside her, not only along a spiritual path, but caring and supporting her best friend, her soul sister.

After Denny transitioned in 2021, Gill was invited to Nepal, meeting the children in the orphanage that the Ancient Secret Foundation supports. (This part of the foundation was renamed to the Denny Dakin Love Foundation). Whilst in Nepal she had many life changing experiences, including connecting to the mountain energy. Gill feels this has deepened her connection to Spirit, moving into a place of service, enhancing her therapy work with deeper Spiritual guidance.

Denny always taught Gill to live in her truth and to trust life will always guide her.