A Bridge for Orphans Graduating into Adulthood

Empowering Young Adults to Transition from Orphanages to Independence

55 young adults are at the point where they need to transition out of the only stable home they have had their entire lives.

Your Love Can Change Lives

To support these young adults for a year, we’re looking to raise a minimum of $100,000 within the next 3 months.

In this vulnerable transition, we hope to help these young adults retain the special qualities they’ve developed under the influence of their loving caregivers and families. Our vision is to build a bridge that eases the emotional shock of leaving a large group living experience and sets them on stable ground to develop an independent life.

Our Approach

We’re not just offering handouts; we wish to empower these young adults by teaching them to fish. We aim to support the young adults, aka “the Bridgers,” with approximately 50% of their expenses. They will need to work to provide for their other needs, fostering a sense of responsibility and independence. Additionally, we encourage each graduate to give back to the fund when they are able, creating a sustainable cycle of support.

Why You Should Care

A Global Issue
The gap from orphanage to real life isn’t unique to Nepal; it happens all over the world. A successful program here could serve as a blueprint for other regions.

Unique Potential
Despite their difficult start, these children have been raised in a loving, supportive environment. They are extremely thoughtful, grateful, generous, loving, helpful, team players, fun-loving, creative, and excited about life. As Dr. Baral, a 50-year teaching veteran, remarked, “I’ve never met such positive and enthusiastic children in my life.”

A Cycle of Giving
These beautiful children desire to give back to their homes, establishing a feedback loop of care for those who will leave the homes next. We encourage both emotional and fiscal contributions from our graduates.

Addressing Nepal’s Brain Drain
Nepal is experiencing a significant brain drain, with young people leaving the country in large numbers. This trend could lead to a crisis of leadership. Who better to work harmoniously toward a common goal than the Bridgers? They could be Nepal’s future leaders, working to address corruption and guide the country to a brighter future.

Our Goals

Our mission is providing sustainable independence for young adults transitioning from the orphanages by being a source of financial support, education, and life skills.


Short-Term Goal: Raise $100,000 in 3 Months
We aim to raise $100,000 to support 55 young adults for one year.

Challenge: Technology Gap
Of the nine orphan homes, only one has computers (three in total), making it difficult to bring the other 300-400 orphan children into the 21st century. We need 315 Chromebooks/laptops and four desktops, including import taxes.

1-year Bridge Project

Housing (apartments and/or hostels)

To make the shift away from the orphan homes easy, safe and enticing, we thought it might ease the shock of leaving a big family by moving in with a smaller one. Our original idea was to place them in hostels around the city depending on where their schools or work would be. To this end, we’ve introduced the Bridgers from all the orphanages to one another multiple times with the idea that they might room together in hostels in the future. However, it turns out that both the orphan homes and the youth prefer to stay close to the orphan homes in flats with their own sisters or brothers (rather than integrate new people into the mix). We’re not sure if we can promise that and may come up with a hybrid program with some going to hostels and some to apartments.

Food & transportation stipend

Providing a stipend to cover food and transportation expenses, ensuring that Bridgers can focus on their education and work without financial stress.

College & technical school tuition & books

1-month training program: Grooming, Time Management, Sales, Barista/Bar/Kitchen skills, Discipline and Work Ethics, Communication & Interpersonal skills, Life Skills: opening bank acct, getting a lease, medical, etc.

Internships for those not attending college or tech school.

How Can You Help?

By donating $100 as a one-time or yearly contribution, you can join 999 others to help us reach our goal of supporting 55 young adults. Help us empower these young adults to become independent and successful members of society. Together, we can create a brighter future for them and for Nepal.

Donations (one time or annual) in the following amounts receive additional gifts:

  • $500: Receive a signed copy of the book and access to a 7-Day Detox Program (valued at $97)
  • $1,000: Receive access to the 30-day Miracle Experiment (valued at $297), a signed copy of the book and access to a 7-Day Detox Program (valued at $97)
  • $5,000: Receive access to the 100-Day Ancient Secrets Program (valued at $1,500), a signed copy of the book and access to a 7-Day Detox Program (valued at $97), and access to the 30-day Miracle Experiment (valued at $297)
  • $10,000: Receive a retreat in Nepal to visit the kids (valued at $7,000 – airfare not included), a signed copy of the book, access to a 7-Day Detox Program (valued at $97), access to the 30-day Miracle Experiment (valued at $297), and access to the 100-Day Ancient Secrets Program (valued at $1,500)

All of the funding is transparent and accountable – as our vision is to be one of the most effective foundations that exists on planet earth. The kids we serve deserve the best.

Copyright © 2021, Ancient Secrets Foundation